EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESENT Commissioner Tony Romo, Deputy Commissioner Sandy Blumberg, Associate Director - Larry Brislin, Associate Director - Jerry Wilhite, Treasurer - Curt Castagna, Financial Secretary - Lori Boaz, ACE Coaching Coordinator - Larry Bruyere, Member Services - Wendy Goldstein, Statistician - Annie Fisher and Secretary - Shari Osborn
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS PRESENT Ducks, Red Wings, Lightning, Wave, Riptide, Coyotes, Sun Devils, Jr. Ice Dogs, Rangers, Jr. Kings, Tigers, Knights, Eagles, Senators, Panthers, Maple Leafs, Gulls, Sabers, Express, Mariners, and Wolves
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS ABSENT Cal Selects, Dragons, Bears, Icemen, & Jaguars
Commissioner Tony Romo called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
MINUTES The minutes were distributed for review. Lisa England moved to approve minutes. MOTION WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED.
COMMISSIONER’S REPORT Tony reported that he saw a lot of familiar faces at Wayne’s funeral. It was a shock for everybody. Tony introduced Lisa England, who will be filling in for Wayne. He stated that Easy Street Arena would be covering the dues for Wayne’s son for this year and until he ages out. Tony commented that some clubs have donated money and there have been a lot of nice tributes around the league. Tony suggested that a donation should be made to the Lavaglio family to help out the family. The donation should be comparable to what has been done in the past, even more for all the time that Wayne has put in. Pam Levin inquired as to the different funds that are currently set-up at this. It was discussed and agreed that the check should be made payable to the Lavaglio Family Fund. Larri Woertler made the motion to donate $3,000 to fund the Wayne Lavaglio family fund. Tim Pickett seconded the motion. Dominic Menton commented that $3,000 is generous, but based on current balance sheet and the fact that Wayne gave a lot for many years, can we afford more. Pam Levin inquired if we could amend the motion to $5,000. Larri Woertler made the motion to amend the donation to $5,000. MOTION WAS SECONDED AND CARRIED.
Tony reported that bids are currently being accepted for the playoffs and we will try to have the finals at one central location. If you have any questions regarding the bid information, email Dave and Tony. Pam Levin asked if the cost per team is known at this time. Tony replied that it should be similar to last year. Once bids have been received with ice cost should be able to determine cost per team.
Questions have been raised in regards to scheduling for teams. Tony has asked Dave to send out messages to clubs and teams that were affected. Questions are being asked why are some divisions playing 16 games and some 19. Basically schedule was worked out so that all teams would be played at least once. If less than 17 teams in division, in order to even out he had to put extra match ups. John Devereaux inquired as to why schedule are issued so late in season. Tony reminded that due to changes in team movements, it is impossible to put out a complete schedule at the beginning of the year. It was also stated that it was discussed at the beginning of year to allow for teams to be accommodated for Southwest League, Select Camp, Martin Luther King holiday, etc. Dave has been able to make these accommodations for most teams. If a full schedule is put together at the beginning of the season, and teams disband or move then they will be responsible for paying the ice costs and forfeiture fees. It was further discussed that the Presidents had agreed at the beginning of the season to allow for the teams to participate in Southwest. One of the conditions was that the other adjustments would need to be made for other teams traveling at other times also. Dave did make these adjustments. Larry Wilhite commented that at the meeting for final declarations that some teams still did not have their final declarations. A change in one team affects all teams. Tony stated that some teams were denied changes after final declarations were in. Further discussion followed regarding release of schedule for the year and the affect that this could have on clubs with the changes that can occur, especially with the Tier II teams.
John also inquired as to email received in November regarding number of games to be scheduled for Bantam AA. Now only have played 15 games with only one more scheduled. Tony will discuss with Dave to inquire as to what happened. Jerry Wilhite stated that will be difficult to fix in three weeks (2 weeks with CAHA Select Camp.) Score sheets are now due February 1st versus President’s Day, which also created a loss of two weekends.
It was suggested that games could be scheduled during CAHA Select Camp weekend. Discussion followed how this would affect if team is scheduled and team is missing 4 or 5 players, will team be penalized if unable to attend. John Devereaux made the motion to schedule Tier II games during CAHA Select weekend. Larry Bruyere seconded the motion. Approved - 2, Oppose - 12, Abstain - 4. MOTION FAILED
Ed Tar has notified Tony that the Select Camp is full. Anyone else who wants to attend will need to go on the waiting list.
Mark Robelotto made the suggestion to place on the website that ice is available. Tony replied that Cindi could make a section on the website, ice available and games wanted with contact information listed.
TREASURER’S REPORT Curt distributed for review the current Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement as of January 8, 2003. He has received notification this week that the audit (reconciliation) has been completed and he will be meeting with the accountant next week to review the report. Hopefully will have something by the next meeting to report to the board. There is a significant amount of money in the accounts and suggested a committee be formed to review some ways for the money to be used to better improve the league.
Committee of the following was formed: Dominic Menton, Jim Carroll, Paul Peterson, Valerie Broadhead, Lori Boaz, Larri Woertler and Curt Castagna. Jerry Wilhite will chair the committee.
Wendy has been given the report of dues paid by clubs, she will compare to A rosters and B once frozen. You may receive notification if club owes additional funds. Some clubs did receive refunds for overpayment.
DEPUTY COMMISSIONER’S REPORT Sandy reported that some teams seasons would be ending shortly. Reminder that last season rule was implemented for family member delinquency. It is suggested that as the season comes to an end families should be notified that are delinquent, so that they can clear them up now. When notifying the families remember to quote 18.04, the complete rule. This will tell them how they will be affected and that the delinquency will affect the whole family. Give them the opportunity to make amends. Let them know how to clear the delinquency list. If you would like a sample letter, let Sandy know. It was asked when the delinquency list would be published; specific deadline has not been established yet. Rule does say that you are to notify them two weeks before placing on list. Deadline for placing on list may be April 1st, so you are looking at mid March for drop-dead date for notification.
Tony stated that the Board is going to try and draft something on the letter of intent with regards to the dues issue. When people sign the letter of intent that they could be responsible for the entire season dues, if you elect to leave the team for whatever reason during the season. This should be up to the club if they get released from this financial obligation because they make a commitment to you and then leave for another team and leave your team hanging. If enough leave team could experience some problems. We now know that CAHA wants the movement, if they want to move, but CAHA is going to make them financially responsible before they leave.
Jerry Wilhite made the suggestion that we have CAHA review our rulebook to see what they will stand behind and to bring every thing in conformity. Tony will request that this be put on the agenda for the February CAHA meeting.
Carmen suggested that the league ask each club to give a copy of their financial policy to SCAHA for reference. Tony stated that in addition to this that all clubs will need to submit their bylaws.
Further discussion followed regarding the Letter of Intents and wording. It was suggested that all clubs have the same general rule. Jerry made the suggestion to have Orian review the LOI for contractual issues.
Sandy stated that all Match Penalties have been reviewed up to this point. Only one team in the A & B division in jeopardy of losing coach for penalty minutes. A few others in the Midget AA 17 division.
Idea for next year, possibly have league be responsible for paying referees versus the clubs. Send thoughts to Sandy.
Bob Doherty discussed issue regarding paying of referees for Outlaw games. Some clubs have refused to pay the referees for the Outlaw games. Discussion followed that because of letter received from LAHOA game is not to be officiated without payment up front. Tony will talk to Stephanie to clear up issue.
MEMBER SERVICES REPORT Wendy reported that the AA & A rosters should be in. They were due into CAHA the 31st of December. Wendy is missing quite a few. Get copies to Wendy. Several clubs are missing Condition of Membership forms. Each player should have one signed and a coach if he is not a Dad. Carmen inquired if there are more STOP patches available. Wendy hasn’t heard back from CAHA.
STATISTICIAN REPORT Annie reported that the game misconduct list would be out tomorrow afternoon. Penalty minutes were distributed as of 12/22/02. Midget A16, Midget A17, Midget AA16 & AA17, Midget B, Mite teams and PeeWee AA are all current (98% accurate) all the other teams are missing score sheets. Missing score sheets need to be submitted by January 15th. Invoices will be sent out on the 15th for missing score sheets. Web based SCAHA summary forms are currently being worked on. Every Manager of every team will get a user name and password. They will go on the SCAHA website, fill out the form and it will go directly to Annie. Currently working on setting up area to report Exhibition games in a separate area from the regular games.
Andy Cohen brought up for discussion last paragraph from November minutes regarding penalty minutes. Is there going to be a study regarding Midget penalties and where we are based upon changes on how refs are calling game. A lot of referees at the beginning of the season were passing out 10-minute mouthpiece penalties. If there is a change in coach, does the new coach inherit the penalty minutes? Larri Woertler mentioned that a large portion of the penalty minutes is mouthpiece infractions. Further discussion followed regarding how the mouthpiece penalty is affecting reaching the threshold. Tony replied that when a coach reaches the mark, the board would review. They will pull all the score sheets together and review all the penalties.
ACE COACHING COORDINATOR REPORT Larry Bruyere reported that the Certification Clinics are completed. There are a lot of coaches being changed or added to teams. Email needs to be sent to Wendy and Larry. Coaches now need to sign in and also list their certification number and level of coaching. A lot of coaches were asked off the bench. Let coaches know they need to have their cards in case they are asked. Head coach has to list his number on score sheet. Question was raised that email had been received that Assistant Coaches are also to list certification number. Tony will need to get clarification and pass on.
OLD BUSINESS Larry Brislin reported that the It Pays program is being done correctly by majority of Mite teams. Unfortunately 40% of the teams are not reporting. Emails have been sent to Presidents to contact Mite Managers to verify if being done or if having problems. Jim Carroll stated that the Ranger Mites were invited to Ducks game and were able to meet some of the players. They received 60 tickets for the game. Larry reminded everyone that Mite teams have the opportunity to play at Staples at the end of the season. Some teams are not reporting, check with Managers.
NEW BUSINESS Tony reported that a question has come up regarding PeeWee A, AA movement. Players moving which CAHA allowed. Lisa England inquired that the team that they went to have also picked up two other players from the same team, which broke the 25% rule, did the board meet to waive this rule. Tony stated that at the August SCAHA meeting the Presidents decided that if the Presidents agreed that it would be a moot point for the SCAHA Executive Board to say no. Jerry Wilhite stated that the Presidents voted that if two Presidents agreed that they didn’t have a team for kids to play on or there was a reason that more than 3 kids could go to a team and if both Presidents agreed on, then that decision stood and it wouldn’t come to the Executive Board or Board to vote on. When this situation came up, both Presidents agreed on the movement, it did not go to the Board to deal with. Wolves did waive off the rule. Further discussion followed regarding clarification of 25% rule. If the vote that happened in August is not what the Presidents want, then it needs to be revisited. Tony stated after discussion that rule will need to be looked at further.
Valerie Broadhead inquired into having a Mite tournament, possibly a festival during State playoffs. There is not a state championship game for the Mites.
Next meeting is February 12th in Lakewood.
Meeting adjourned 9:45 pm |