EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESENT Commissioner – Robert Doherty, Associate Director – Larry Brislin, Associate Director – Rosemary Voulelikas, Associate Director at Large– Charlie Knotts, Member Services – Wendy Goldstein.
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS PRESENT Inland Valley Wild, Sun Devils, West Valley Wolves, Anaheim Jr. Ducks, Beach City Lightning, California Bears, Bakersfield Dragons, California Stars, LA jr. Kings, Jr. Ice Dogs, Valencia Express and LA Hockey Club.
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS ABSENT Bay Harbor Red Wings, Channel Island Riptide, La Jolla Jaguars, Pasadena Maple Leafs, South Coast Sabers, Yorba Linda Blackhawks, San Diego Gulls, North Valley Tigers, California Wave, Ventura Mariners and Ontario Eagles.
Commissioner Robert Doherty called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
It was determined that only twelve (12) Presidents were present at the meeting, not enough for a quorum thus no other business was transacted.
MINUTES March minutes were tabled for next scheduled SCAHA Board Meeting.
GUEST Bob introduced Stephen T. Freeman, a resident of Irvine, CA who has two sons in travel hockey to discuss the proposal of an Irvine ice rink. He handed out a packet to the board explaining the proposal and the reasons why the City of Irvine should include a community ice rink. Mr. Freeman is petitioning SCAHA’s support for the allocation of an ice rink in Irvine’s Great Park plans. He informed the board on how they can go to the web site and fill out an online support form.
COMMISSIONER REPORT Playoff Summary: Bob informed the board that all went well during the SCAHA playoffs. Sandy Blumberg will give a summary of the CAHA playoffs at the next SCAHA meeting.
Bob announced to the board that Shari Osbourn resigned her position as SCAHA Secretary. Bob requested email nominations for the position.
Bob reported the Tier I National standings. CAHA had three (3) second place finishes at Nationals in three age divisions. The LA Selects MDAAA18U team, the Wave BNAAA team and the Wave PWAAA team.
Bob advised the board of Artesia Rink’s petition to join SCAHA immediately. They contacted SCAHA and were informed of the procedure and information and materials needed. They submitted an incomplete package –2-page document.
DEPUTY COMMISSIONER REPORT Rules Committee: Bob informed the board to submit their names via email to Sandy should they want to participate on the rules committee as soon as possible.
TREASURER’S REPORT No report at this time. Bob informed the presidents that Curt would be issuing payments to the venues that hosted the SCAHA playoffs shortly.
MEMBER SERVICES REPORTWendy Goldstein reported that there would be a USA Hockey Registrar training session on June 25, 2005. The date will be confirmed by email. She reported that registrars are still not using the legal birth certificate names on rosters. USA Hockey requires no nicknames. She also quickly informed the board of the new online USA Hockey registration
ICE CONVENER REPORT No report at this time.
STATISTICIAN REPORT Bob informed the Presidents that the season statistics would be opened up on Sportability in two weeks.
ACE COACHING COORDINATOR REPORT Larry Bruyere informed the board that the Advanced Coaching Clinic will once again be in Reno, Nevada sometime in August, 2005. The coaching clinics for Level I II and III will be available starting in September locally. All 2002-2003 certified coaches at Level I II or III will be required to re-certify for next season.
It was stated that the referees are able to verify the head count of the players present in a game but not the Level of a coach’s CEP. This may be something that needs to be done by the off ice officials, the scorekeepers. This can be accomplished through training at the scorekeeping clinics.
Wendy mentioned she would be sending a list of coaches names (those who have failed to attain the appropriate coaching certification) to all of the club registrars before the start of the 2005-2006 season. Basically, no club will be permitted to roster these coaches, (their grace period has expired) until they can demonstrate that they have achieved the appropriate coaching level for their team’s age division and level.
NEW BUSINESSCAHA Nominations:Bob reminded the presidents that the CAHA nominations are due to Rosemary Voulelikas, CAHA secretary by May 1, 2005.
OLD BUSINESSTier II weekend Bids: No report at this time other than CAHA received the bids and is reviewing them.
Carmen Starr Scholarship:LeAnn Doherty reported the forms should be ready for distribution by the end of April, early May.
Playoff Committee Report: Tony Romo, Playoff Committee Chair, handed out The SCAHA playoffs P & L statement indicating a loss of $3,600 as opposed to a loss of $19,000 of last season’s playoffs. This was in part due to the fact that Healthsouth donated the ice for the Championship games this season. In addition, it was explained that this year SCAHA provided each playoff participant a souvenir booklet free of charge.
Next meeting is May 11th, 2005.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm. |