EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESENT Deputy Commissioner – Sandy Blumberg, Treasurer – Bob Driffill, Scholarship Chair - Laurie Boaz, Member Services – Wendy Goldstein, Statistician – Annie Fisher and Associate Director –Tim Fahringer.
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS PRESENT Anaheim Jr. Ducks, Anaheim Wildcats, Artesia Avalanche, Bakersfield Dragons, Bay Harbor Red Wings, Beach City Lightning, California Bears, California Stars, Channel Island Riptide, Inland Valley Wild, LA Hockey Club, La Jolla Jaguars, Ontario Eagles, Pasadena Maple Leafs, San Diego Gulls, San Diego Ice Arena, San Diego Saints, West Valley Wolves, Valencia Express and Ventura Mariners.
MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS ABSENT LA Jr. Kings (excused), and Jr. Ice Dogs (excused).
Deputy Commissioner Sandy Blumberg called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
MINUTES The August 9th meeting minutes were distributed for review. Paula Frankel motioned to accept the minutes with the following amendments: CA Wave and Yorba Linda Blackhawks were present. Tom West seconded. MOTION PASSED. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTSandy Blumberg asked the board to execute the SDRH contract by email. The contract will mirror the LAHOA contract and should be ready in a couple of weeks. The contract will be emailed to all the club presidents. Laura Ryan motioned to execute the SDRH contract by email and Lisa England seconded. MOTION PASSED.
Sandy Blumberg informed the board that the number of penalty minutes in games is starting to improve compared to the first weekend of play. The referees are still being trained with regards to the “New Standards of Play,” and consistency amongst the calls would waiver for a few more weeks.
Coaches receiving game suspensions must serve the suspension with the team they received the game suspension. The coaches are still permitted to coach their teams. Sandy Blumberg stated the practice of head coaches signing in as assistant coaches in order to avoid having to serve the game misconduct penalty assigned to the head coach of a team receiving 15 penalties in a game will not be accepted practice by the league. It is unethical and the league will hold hearings.
Sandy Blumberg also stated SCAHA has had some problems with coaches refusing to wear helmets. The CAHA president, Charlie Fuertsch, has USA Hockey’s support to pull a coach’s coaching card should he continue to violate USA Hockey’s helmet rule.
Sandy Blumberg informed the board the SCAHA Select camp will be held December 16th and is in need of volunteers for both locations. Tim Fahringer and LeAnn Doherty will be running the locations. The Select camp will need people to assist in the administration and planning of the camp as well as on ice coaches and off ice evaluators. Bids will go out to the various clubs and rinks to host the select camp. And finally, a volunteer form will be posted on the SCAHA web site explaining the various needs of the camp.
DEPUTY COMMISSIONER’S REPORTSCAHA Playoff Rules: Tony Romo, SCAHA Playoff Tournament director distributed a one-page information tournament playoff format sheet to the presidents. The format would be similar to previous years with preliminaries the first weekend of play, semi-finals the second weekend of play and Championships the third weekend of play. There will be no semi-finals for divisions with 5, 6, and 7 and under teams. Dave Bigelow motioned the top 6 teams for divisions with 9, 10 and 11 teams to have semi-finals and the top 8 teams for divisions with 12 or more teams to have semi-finals. Bob Driffill seconded. MOTION PASSED.
Sandy Blumberg reported the training workshops went well with 122 managers/volunteers in attendance. There was a lot of positive feedback.
MEMBER SERVICES REPORTWendy Goldstein expressed concern over the number of delinquent players that were signed. She is asking the clubs to review their process and to determine where the communication break down occurred. Clubs should determine who reports the delinquency, whether it is the registrar, treasurer, etc.
Wendy Goldstein stated player-up players that do not have the player-up form and parent letter submitted to SCAHA are ineligible to participate in league play.
SCAHA player fees are $27 per player. There are 2,706 registered SCAHA players and only 832 player fees have been submitted at this time. Player fees are due and should be remitted to the SCAHA treasurer.
ICE CONVENER REPORT Chris Carcerano reemphasized the no rescheduling SCAHA policy for A/B teams. He reminded the presidents that there is some flexibility for Tier teams and reminded the board that they must follow the guidelines set out or face paying referee fees. Chris Carcerano informed the board that Sportability is up and running. And finally, Chris Carcerano will need to reschedule three (3) Tier games due to the SCAHA Select camp in December. The SCAHA game numbers are #448, #658 and #659.
The presidents expressed their appreciation by applauding Chris Carcerano for a job well done in getting the preseason schedule out in time. Chris Carcerano reminded the presidents that the deadline for moving teams up or down a level is September 24th.
STATISTICIAN REPORTAnnie Fisher informed the board that suspension lists would go out once a week starting September 15th. She reminded the presidents to make sure their team managers submit the online game summary reports as well as to have roster labels on all score sheets. The game penalty minutes from week to week is improving as both players and coaches get use to the New standards of Play.
Sandy Blumberg added the first Penalty Review hearing is scheduled for September 20th. Managers were solicited during the training workshops to serve on the penalty review committee. Dates of penalty reviews will be posted on the SCAHA web site.
TREASURER’S REPORT Bob Driffill distributed the financials dated July 31, 2006 to the board.
ACE COACHING COORDINATOR REPORT No report at this time. Wendy Goldstein stated the presidents should verify the list of the certified coaches that was sent by email.
NEW BUSINESSNo new business to report.
OLD BUSINESSCAHA Screening Program:Wendy Goldstein reminded the presidents to send their list of coaches, managers and volunteers that should be screened to Carla Dickerson, CAHA director. Deadline for all applicants to submit to the screening process is September 30th.
C.H.A.M.P.S. LeAnn Doherty reminded the board the deadline for submitting applications for the CHAMPS program is October 1st. She also stated the Kings and the Ducks are working on dates for free tickets and player appearances.
Club Fines and Payment: All club fines and/or information must be submitted to Laurie Boaz. After 30 days, any missing payment of fines will be notified. A progressive discipline plan will be implemented to insure payment of fines.
Scholarships: Laurie Boaz reminded the presidents that the deadline for submitting scholarship applications is October 1st. She stated she has received around 27-32 applications so far.
Next meeting is October 11th, 2006.
Motion to adjourn by Paula Frankel and seconded by Tom West. MOTION PASSED.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. |