July 8, 2009




Robert Doherty (Commissioner), Rosemary Voulelikas (Secretary), Bob Driffill (Treasurer), Wendy Goldstein (Member Services), Chris Carcerano (Ice Convener) and John Silberstein (Parliamentarian).











Anaheim Junior Ducks



Los Angeles Jr. Kings



Anaheim Wildcats



LA Hockey Club



Artesia Avalanche



OC Hockey Club



Bakersfield Dragons



Ontario Eagles



Bay Harbor Red Wings



Pasadena Maple Leafs



Beach City Lightning



San Diego Gulls



California Golden Bears



San Diego Ice Arena



California Stars



San Diego Saints



Channel Islands Riptide



Valencia Express



Inland Valley Wild



Ventura Mariners



Junior Ice Dogs



West Valley Wolves



La Jolla Jaguars





Robert Doherty called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.



Art Trottier motioned to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2009 meeting.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Commissioner’s Report

Bob Doherty informed the board that CAHA will be sending two HS teams to a High School National Championship. Bob asked the board to send him an email letting him know of any High School teams they are aware of.  At the September meeting CAHA will elaborate on the rules governing the High School teams.


Bob Doherty asked the board to ratify the Executive Committee as is: Wendy Goldstein as the Member Services, Annie Fisher as the Statistician, Chris Carcerano as the Ice Convener, John Silberstein as the Parliamentarian, Bob Driffill as the Treasurer, Rosemary Voulelikas as the Secretary and Nancy Hodge as the ACE Coordinator. Bridget Hopkinson motioned to ratify the Executive Committee.                                                                  (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


LAHOA Report

Bob Doherty thanked Brent Tubbs, outgoing LAHOA President for fostering the relationship between LAHOA and SCAHA and for his integral role in opening up the communication lines between the two organizations. Bob Doherty introduced Norm Kitano who is the new President for LAHOA. Norm Kitano highlighted some of the changes he will be implementing this upcoming year. The evaluation process started last year will be downsized. Supervisors and schedulers will be asked to attend club board meetings twice throughout the season in order to have hands on approach to solving any issues that come up. This year LAHOA will be implementing a supervising scheduler position to oversee the four sub schedulers. In addition, he will be proposing a smaller mentorship program, starting with the mentoring of four new officials. Norm Kitano informed the board should they have any questions they can contact him at Norm Kitano informed the board that they are thinking about moving over to “Time to Score” program in lieu of the “Arbitor program,” for the official’s schedule.


Staff Reports

Member Services – Wendy Goldstein reminded the board to submit their LOI’s and not to hold on to them. The minimum player requirement is 10 players on every A/B team for pre-season and 15 players on every Tier team. By regular season dates then the minimum player requirement for viable teams is 10 players for Mites and Squirts and 13 players for Peewees and above. Wendy stated that there are many teams with low numbers and she is asking the presidents to make decisions regarding whether to fold a team or not. Wendy Goldstein also informed the board that as of September 1st, there will be about 1900 names that will come off of the CAHA screening compliance list meaning their 3 year compliance will have expired. There is no grace period for coaches and volunteers and in order to be rostered on any youth and/or Girls’ team, coaches and volunteers, etc. must submit to the screening and have their names appear on the compliance list.


Statistician – Annie Fisher is absent. No report at this time.


Ice Convener – Chris Carcerano advised the board that if they would like to pursue the A/B North/South division proposal that they should put it in writing and submit to him as soon as possible for this board to consider it. Chris Carcerano stated that there will be the same number of games as last season. Some of the highlights of the preliminary calendar are:

·         5 preseason games

·         17 regular season games

·         Aug. 14 deadline to submit A/B and Tier II team declarations and ice slots

·         Sept. 12 start of preseason

·         Sept. 15 drop deadline date for AA teams dropping to A to be included in the SCAHA schedule.

·         Oct. 4 Final A/B team declarations

·         Oct. 17-18 first weekend of regular game schedule

·         MLK weekend will be a regularly scheduled SCAHA weekend

·         April CAHA A/B states


There will be one weekend off during the Christmas break. SCAHA games will resume the weekend of Jan. 2/3. Chris Carcerano informed the board that he is going to send out a “Players wanted” template to the clubs for posting on the SCAHA web site in the next couple of days. Chris stated that SCAHA is working on a centralized system that will incorporate three major components. The first component is the registration process that will allow SCAHA to manage and track the registration data and compare it to the rosters and game summaries. The second component includes a statistical package as well as managing suspensions. The third component is the scheduling component. The fourth component that will be added at a later date is the official’s component. For this year we still will be using sportability while we test the centralized system.


Treasurer’s Report

Bob Driffill distributed the financial statements dated June 30, 2009. Included in the report is the proposed draft of the 2009-2010 budget for review and comment. Rosemary Voulelikas motioned to increase the scholarship expense line item in the proposed budget from $26,000 to $36,000.                                                                                    (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Bridget Hopkinson motioned to increase the organizational supplies line item in the proposed budget from $500 to $1500.                                                 (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Bridget Hopkinson motioned to approve the proposed budget with the above changes.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


A.C.E. Coordinator

Nancy Hodge is absent. Larry Bruyere reminded the board to make sure coaches are properly certified. The coaching clinics for Levels 1-2-3 on July 26, 27 and 28 in Valencia are almost full. There will be a September clinic in Lakewood and/or possibly San Diego. Dates have yet to be determined. The Level 4 coach’s clinic is being held in Las Vegas for the first time, Aug. 6-9, Red Rock Hotel. Next year with the new USA Hockey ADM model that is being developed, coaches will only be permitted to attend one level a year as opposed to obtaining all levels in one year.


Deputy Commissioner’s Report

Sandy Blumberg is absent. Laura Ryan reported on the proposed rules changes.


SCAHA Rules and Regulations:

Section 17:

17.11   Proposal to remove the language “with permission.” Rule to read: “No cameras are allowed in the penalty box or players’ bench.” Bridget Hopkinson motioned to approve the proposed rule change.                                                                        (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 19:

19.04   Housekeeping change.  The proposal is to add “or passport” and to remove “(reference CAHA rule 2.3.12b)” at the end of the rule. Rule to read: “Proof of age must be submitted with the registration form for all new registering players. A certified copy of a USA birth certificate or passport or a foreign birth certificate…”


19.02    Proposal to add the following statement at the end of the rule. “For the purpose of SCAHA a player is registered when he or she signs the Letter of Intent (LOI).”


19.06   Proposal to remove “parent letter.” Rule to read: Any player who is in the last year…… ……Players requesting permission to play up in age classification may not begin participation with said team until all required paperwork, including a league form is

received by the league. Receipt of paperwork does not guarantee approval for



New:   Proposal to add a new rule 19.09 to read “No player new to SCAHA may be added to a 

            roster after December 31.”


            Louis Soltero motioned to accept the proposed Section 19 rule changes excluding the new

            19.09 rule.                                                                   (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


            Laura Ryan motioned to accept the proposed new rule 19.09 in section 19.

  (motion SECONDED and FAILED)



Section 20:

20.02:  The rule to read: “For all SCAHA rostered teams, registration runs from August 1st to April 30th.” This is in alignment with USA Hockey.


20.05    Proposed Housekeeping changes. Removing “reference to CAHA rule 7.12a” at the end of

the rule.


20.07   Proposing grammar correction. Replacing “who include” with “which include”

            and replacing “complete” with “have completed.”


            Bridget Hopkinson motioned to accept the proposed rule changes for Section 20.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 22:

22.03   Proposal to replace our rule to mirror CAHA’s Player Development rule with CAHA Player Development Rule 7.15e.


22.04   Proposal to update the CAHA rule number to 7.14 to reflect CAHA’s updated number. The rule to read:………  “In lieu of the requirements of CAHA rule 7.14,”…………..


Bridget Hopkinson motioned to accept the proposed rule changes in Section 22.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 24:

24.02   Proposal to change “rostering” with “participation.” The rule to read: ……….. All coaches must be screened and cleared prior to participation.”


Bridget Hopkinson motioned to accept the proposed rule changes in Section 24.                                                                                                    (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 26:                                                                                        

26.02:  Proposal to add “or preseason.” Rule to read: “A club removing a team after any portion of the schedule is established, for the regular season, or preseason…”


26.06Proposal to modify rule to read: “Prior to the start of each game, it is a requirement of the

referee to verify players who are in attendance as well as to perform a general

safety/equipment check.”


26.10   Proposal to clarify the word team by adding A/B or Tier II. The rule to read…….. “No cancellations of games listed on the master schedule will be permitted. Any team (A/B or Tier II) refusing to play a game……..”  


26.12   Proposal to modify rule to read: Clubs who request changes to the schedule with less than 10 day notice shall incur fines if the change can be accommodated or forfeiture if the change cannot be accommodated.

a) Exceptions: “Act of God” which shall be defined as:

• no ice due to mechanical failure

• natural disaster preventing access to rink. Such natural disasters must be documented by State/Local authorities.”


26.16   Proposal to add “team personnel as listed on the.” The rule to read: “Coaches are responsible for the accuracy of their “team personnel as listed on the” scoresheets. Inaccurate scoresheets may result in fines, suspensions, or forfeitures as determined by the SCAHA Executive Committee.”


26.17   Proposal to delete “without the specific permission of the league” and to add “or players’ bench.” The rule to read: “No person shall be allowed in the penalty box unless required to assist with opening the penalty box door for players. No cameras are allowed in the penalty box or “players’ bench.” Penalty box attendants must be neutral and may not coach players or engage the referee at any time.”


26.24   Proposal to add “Club personnel with league approval are also empowered to determine if the noise maker is disruptive.” The rule to read: If any on-ice official deems a noisemaker to be disruptive, they can direct the spectator to desist or leave the arena. “Club personnel with league approval are also empowered to determine if the noise maker is disruptive.” All spectators are expected to cooperate fully with the officials.


Dave Bigelow motioned to accept the proposed rule changes to section 26.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 29:

29.11   The changes reflect housekeeping rules – removing “USA Hockey, CAHA and” language.

Bridget Hopkinson motioned to accept the proposed rule changes for Section 29.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)

Section 33:

33.01   Proposal to move this rule to Section 34 Playoffs rule 34.01.

33.02   Proposal to change numbering from 33.02 to 33.01

33.03   Proposal to move this rule to Section 34 Playoffs rule 34.02.


Section 34:

34.02   Proposal to move rule 33.03 to 34.02 and to delete “the Regular Season Champion in each division and for purposes of determining” and to delete “with the same tiebreakers to apply.” The rule to read: “Tie breakers for purposes of determining advancement to the SCAHA Post-Season Playoff Tournament at the conclusion of the regular playing season will be determined by:

1. Standings

2. Most Wins

3. Head to Head

4. Goal Differential

5. Quotient


In the event a team qualifies for the SCAHA Post-Season Playoff Tournament but is otherwise ineligible or chooses not to participate, then the team with the next highest point total in the division will be invited to participate.”


New:   Proposal to add new rule “A club owing fines to the League will not be eligible for playoffs until the fine(s) have been paid.”


34.10   Housekeeping change. Proposal to not list this rule in the SCAHA Guidebook. This rule is a USA Hockey and CAHA requirement and is listed in the CAHA Guidebook and USA Hockey Annual. No need for repetition.

Bridget Hopkinson motioned to accept Section 33 and section 34 as proposed and amended.

                                                                                                (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Section 34 will be renumbered to reflect the movement of rules from Section 33 to Section 34 and

the newly added rule.


Section 35:

Title:               Proposal to change the title of the section to: “Accountability, discipline, suspension &



35.01Proposal to replace “Any violation of the Articles of Incorporation, Rules and Regulations of

SCAHA, SCAHA Member Club Agreement” with “Any violation of the Articles of Incorporation, Rules and Regulations of SCAHA, SCAHA Member Club Agreement, CAHA rules and regulations and USA Hockey rules and regulations,……”


35.28   Housekeeping change. Proposal to modify “……accordance with the USA Hockey Official Guide” to “accordance with the current version of the USA Hockey Annual Guide.”


Rosemary Voulelikas motioned to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 35.

                                                                                    (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Laura Ryan informed the board that there is a last minute rule change proposal. “No game

misconduct may be satisfied in a scrimmage or exhibition game. Game misconducts can only be

served in a tournament or league game.” Debate and discussion followed. Laura Ryan motioned to

end the debate.                                                                       (motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Laura Ryan motioned to accept the proposed game misconduct rule cited above.        

(motion SECONDED and PASSED)



Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm