EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRESENT Sandy Blumberg (Deputy Commissioner), Wendy Goldstein (Member Services), Bob Driffill (Treasurer), Annie Fisher (Statistician), John Silberstein (Parliamentarian), Nancy Hodge (ACE Coordinator), Rosemary Voulelikas (Secretary) and Kevin Culbertson (Director-at-Large).
Sandy Blumberg called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Minutes Laura Ryan motioned to approve the minutes of the April 14, 2010 meeting. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Commissioner’s Report Sandy Blumberg welcomed Steve Laing, CAHA president to the meeting. On behalf of Bob Doherty, who is absent, Sandy Blumberg reminded the board that the CAHA Youth Council will be meeting on May 22 to review rules for the upcoming 2010-2011 season. Please email any rule change proposals to Bob Doherty at Bob Doherty also wanted to remind everyone that at the last meeting the A/B tryout start date was moved to Saturday, June 26.
Bob Doherty wanted to thank all the members who served on the SCAHA rules committee. Sandy Blumberg informed the board that there are four-(4) clubs being placed on administrative probation per SCAHA rule 4.8.03a which requires that clubs attend the SCAHA meetings on a regular basis. For clubs missing two consecutive meetings or three meetings in a season they will be automatically placed on administrative probation. For this season, SCAHA’s intent is to follow the rule and apply 4.8.03b for continued absences from meetings and place clubs on full probation thereby making the club post season ineligible. The problem with non attendance of meetings results in non knowledge of what is going on in the league, with respect to deadlines, information, procedures, etc.
LAHOA/SDHA Report No report at this time.
Staff ReportsMember Services – Wendy Goldstein informed the board that she has the LOI’s for each club and will be distributing them. The packet contains LOI’s for Tier I, Tier II and A/B and includes one for each coach and one for each player based on the number of teams x 25 plus one set of 25. The delinquency list will be updated and Wendy will have that sent by this week.
Ice Convener – Chris Carcerano stated he emailed the tryout template for tryouts. Please send him the file and he will post the information on the web site. Chris informed the board he is working on a draft schedule and will send to the clubs. The SCAHA web site has been updated. Some of the key changes are that the rosters, standings and schedules are all integrated. If all goes well, we will not be using Sportability anymore. SCAHA is also working on revising the online game summary form. And finally, the NHL Draft needs volunteers / tickets on the SCAHA web site.
Statistician – Annie Fisher will be emailing the following clubs for player addresses for the SCAHA patches; Express, Ducks, Kings, LA Hockey, Maple Leafs, Mariners, OCHC, Stars, Wildcats, Wolves, Gulls, Red Wings, Reign, Riptide and Eagles.
Treasurer’s Report Bob Driffill distributed the financial statements dated April 30, 2010 to the board. Any questions, please contact Bob Driffill.
Parliamentarian No report at this time.
Deputy Commissioner’s Report Sandy Blumberg informed the board that the Tri County Penguins and the Anaheim Wildcats will be merging. The proposed rule changes were emailed to all of the club presidents for review prior to the meeting. Sandy Blumberg reported on the proposed rule changes.
SCAHA Rules and Regulations: Section 17: 17.08 Proposal to add “Spectator, coach, player or” parent conduct, before, during, or after a game is subject to review and possible sanction by SCAHA.
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 17. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 18: 18.03 Proposal to add “any other activities and to change tryout to participate.” Rule to read: ………..Players, as well as their siblings, whose names appear on this list will not be permitted to participate in tryouts “or any other activities” with any club until their obligations have been satisfied. A player with an outstanding obligation, who is permitted to “participate”, may not play for that club during the current season for which tryouts are being held.
18.09 Proposal to remove any reference to dollar amounts. Rule to read: “The deposits paid with the Letter of Intent are non-refundable.”
Dave Bigelow moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 18. (motion SECONDED and PASSED) Section 19: 19.07 Proposal to add the following statement to the end of the rule. “Exceptions to this rule require the approval of the SCAHA Executive Committee.”
Laura Ryan moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 19. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 20: 20.03 Proposed rule change to read: Each team shall be entitled to register twenty (20) active players. In order to compete in the SCAHA “regular” season, all A/B level Mite and Squirt teams must have 10 players and all Peewee, Bantam and Midget teams must have “12” players. (Tier teams should see CAHA Guidebook)
20.05 Proposed rule change to read: Teams having an over age player, player without proper release, or fictitious proof of age documentation, “may” forfeit all games in which the ineligible player has participated.
20.07 New: Proposed added rule: “All teams must roster a manager who shall also be properly screen.”
20.08 New: Proposed added rule: “Clubs may not roster a team which contains more than 51% of players who will be playing up a division without consulting the league for approval or terms for approval.”
20.09 Proposal to renumber the Existing Rule 20.07 and to add the following statements to the end of the rule. “…and appeared on the CAHA screening list prior to being rostered. Fines, sanctions, and/or suspensions shall be assessed to clubs and participants for violations of this rule.” Proposed rule change to read: “Team representatives, which include coaches, assistant coaches, and managers, must be registered with SCAHA, CAHA and USA Hockey prior to taking part in any SCAHA activities. In addition, anyone involved in on-ice activities must also be registered with USA Hockey and have completed the CAHA Screening process “and appeared on the CAHA screening list prior to being rostered. Fines, sanctions, and/or suspensions shall be assessed to clubs and participants for violations of this rule.”
Rosemary Voulelikas moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 20 with the exception that rule 20.09 to be clarified grammatically. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 24: 24.01 Proposal to add Midget AAA in the “Required Coaching Certification” Table in the same row as Midget AA.
24.02 Proposed rule change to read: “Coaches” who are new to SCAHA may start the season without coaching certification, …….
24.03 Proposed rule change to read: “Returning SCAHA Coaches” who failed to attain the minimum coaching certification in the previous season, “or whose certification has expired,” may not be rostered on any team until the minimum appropriate coaching certification for that level has been achieved.
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 24. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 25: 25.02 New: Proposal to add the rule to read: “Clubs shall pay officials in a timely basis, not to exceed 14 days of game date. Clubs who are found to be delinquent in payments to officials may be required to fund an impound account with the league or be put on a cash payment basis as determined by the league and the officials association.”
Dave Bigelow moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 25. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 29: 29.03 Proposed rule change to read: Releases must always show an accepting club in order to be valid.
Laura Ryan moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 29. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 30: 30.03 Housekeeping proposal: Rule to read: The Temporary Release “form” must be used for:
30.06 New: Proposed rule to read: “At the conclusion of the SCAHA season and prior to April 30th, players will require a temporary release to participate with another club or team. Such release can occur via e-mail for the purpose of verifying a player’s free and clear financial status.”
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 30. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 33: Proposal to remove Section 33: Regular Season Champions.
Dave Bigelow moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 33. (motion SECONDED and PASSED) Section 34: 34.09 Proposed rule changes to read: e) In regular playoff games, if at the end of three (3) periods of regulation play the game is tied, the game will continue with “one (1)” five (5) minute "sudden-death" overtime period “followed by a 5 man shootout, followed by a 1 man shootout. No player may shoot a second time until the team with shortest bench has used all its players.” In "sudden-death" the winner will be awarded two (2) points for the win and the loser will be awarded one (1) point for the loss.
g) Round Robin standings will be determined by points, that is “(3) three points for a win, (2) two points for a win in overtime or shootout and (1) one point for a loss in overtime or shootout and zero (0) points for a loss in regulation.” If two or more teams have equal points, their position in the standings shall be determined by: 1. Standings – most points “2. Differential” (Note: When 2 teams are tied, differential is known as “head to head”. If 3 or more teams are tied, differential becomes the plus-minus of the games played between the tied teams only) “3. Quotient” “(Dividing the goals scored in these games by the goals scored against, the positions being determined in the order of the greatest quotient. A quotient involving dividing by zero (0) has higher standing then a quotient from dividing by any number other than zero (0). Where two or more teams have no goals against and the quotient tie-breaker is required, the teams shall be ranked high to low in descending order of “goals for”)”
4. Most periods won 5. Quickest First goal (see USA Hockey Annual Guide for further information”
34.12: Proposal to remove article 34.12 and 34.15 and to renumber Article 34.13 to 34.12 and Article 34.14 to 34.13.
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 34. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 35: 35.04 Proposed rule to read: Any coach, manager, parent, player or other SCAHA member involved in physical violence “or any other conduct deemed detrimental to the sport of hockey,” shall be immediately suspended, without prejudice, subject to appeal.
35.05 Proposed rule to read: Documented damage to a rink “or causing a billable amount of excess maintenance,” by parents, players or any team member, must be reimbursed by the offender’s club within 30 days of invoice.
35.10 Proposal to remove Article 35.10 and to renumber the subsequent articles accordingly.
35.12 Proposal to change will to “may” and to renumber 35.12 to 35.11. Proposed rule change to read: Failure to serve a game suspension “may” result in the forfeiture…
35.18 Proposal to renumber article 35.18 to 35.17 and the proposed rule changes to read: “Coaches may not consume alcohol in the presence of his team or prior to any game. Any coach, team official, parent, or player who arrives at a game under the influence of alcohol or any coach who uses alcoholic beverages in the presence of his/her team immediately prior to or during any game or practice shall be automatically suspended from SCAHA.”
35.24 Proposal to renumber article 35.24 to 35.23 and the proposed rule changes to read: Coaches, “parents” or players serving a match penalty, “or any other league imposed suspension”, may not be in attendance at the rink for any team or club related games or practices.
Dave Bigelow moved to approve the proposed rule changes in Section 35. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Section 26: 26.04 New Proposed new rule to read: “Prior to the start of the season, all clubs must submit their game slot costs. This is required for proposes of invoicing teams that cancel/forfeit away games. All information will remain confidential.”
26.06 New: Proposed new rule to read: “The home team manager must provide the score sheet to the scorekeeper prior to teams taking the ice.”
26.10 Proposal to remove existing Article 26.10.
26.11 Proposal to renumber article 26.11 to 26.10 and to add the following statement to the end of the rule: “Clubs must pay fines and forfeiture fees to SCAHA within 30 days of notice. SCAHA shall facilitate both the collection and reimbursement of these fees.”
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve article 26.11 (26.10) as amended. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve new article 26.04 and 26.06 as amended. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
26.12 Proposal to renumber article to 26.11 and proposal to add the following rule changes to read: · “The team canceling the game is always responsible for the cost of the new game. If less than 7 days cancellation notice is given, the home team will also be responsible for the full cost of referee’s fees.” · “Cancelled games should be rescheduled at the same venue as the original game unless league permission is granted or forced for another venue.”
Dave Bigelow moved to approve article 26.12 with the exception that the wording for the first bullet point to be clarified. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
26.13 Proposal to renumber article 26.13 to 26.12. and the proposed rule change to remove “Clubs who request changes to the schedule with less than 10 day notice shall incur fines if the change…” and to reword the rule so as to state that only acts of God will be considered for rescheduling at the A/B levels.
Bridget Hopkinson moved to approve article 26.13 with the exception of rewording the statement to mirror the intent of the rule. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
26.24 New Proposal to add the following new article: “A player or goalkeeper on the roster who is unable to play, other than through suspension, may be on the players’ bench without being considered a Team Official if he is wearing the team jersey and all required head and face protective equipment.”
Dave Bigelow moved to approve article 26.24 as proposed. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
26.25 Proposal to delete this rule in this section and to move it to Section 35, under article 35.09.
Bridget Hopkinson moved to adopt article 35.09c –second bullet point to apply to A/B teams only. (motion SECONDED and PASSED)
Adjourn Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 pm. |