January 12, 2011




Bob Doherty (Commissioner), Sandy Blumberg (Deputy Commissioner), Bob Driffill (Treasurer), Wendy Goldstein (Member Services), Rosemary Voulelikas (Secretary), John Silberstein (Parliamentarian), Annie Fisher (Statistician), Chris Carcerano (Ice Convener), and Kevin Culbertson (Director-at-Large).











Anaheim Jr. Ducks



Los Angeles Jr. Kings



Anaheim Wildcats



LA Hockey Club



California Wave



OC Hockey Club



Bakersfield Dragons



Ontario Eagles



Bay Har. Red Wings



Pasadena Maple Leafs



Beach City Lightning



San Diego Gulls



CA Golden Bears



San Diego Ice Arena



California Stars



San Diego Saints



Channel Islds. Riptide



Valencia Express



Jr. Reign



Vent. Mariners/Titans



La Jolla Jaguars



W. Valley Wolves/Heat



Chris Crotty – LA Kings Fan Development


Bob Doherty called the meeting to order at 7:18 pm.



Mike Kettlecamp motioned to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2010 board of Director’s meeting.                                                        

(motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Guest Speaker

Chris Crotty, LA Kings Fan Development distributed two flyers of the LA Kings Skills Series. He reminded the board of the Kings’ fundraising programs in particular the LA Kings Assist program. As of now, the top 3 teams in the hunt for the $6500 donation are the Jr. Kings, the Jr. Reign and the West Valley Wolves. The Jr. Kings have already qualified for the $1000 donation. If you are participating in the contest portion, the deadline to get your tickets in is January 31, 2011. In addition, Chris Crotty informed the board of the LA Kings Skills Series that are being held, one at KHS and the other at Glacial Gardens.


Commissioner’s Report

Bob Doherty talked about the USA Hockey proposed rule changes in particular the no icing of the puck during a penalty kill by the shorthanded team and the no checking at Pee Wee.


Bob Doherty informed the board that the rules are being reviewed at the Winter USAH meeting in mid-January and if recommended they will be voted on at the June annual USAH congress meeting. If voted on they would take in effect in the season of 2012.


Bob Doherty informed the board that at the end of June 2008, the membership development department of USA Hockey reported growth in the 8U category. After two successful growth years, USAH is poised to surpass 100,000 members in the 8U division. The question being asked is if the 8U division is growing, why is USAH doing the ADM model? Bob reported that the first Mite Subcommittee meeting will be held the last weekend of January, most probably a Saturday morning. It will be a 2-3 hour meeting. Bob stated that he will send an email with all of the details in the next day or so.


Bob stated that currently there is no definition of what a High Performance Club is as per USAH’s definition. Bob stated that USAH is currently working on a strategy related to HPC (High Performance Club). To be become a HPC, clubs will need to be ADM compliant from the bottom up (Mites through Midgets).


Joe Doyle, regional ADM manager is presenting ADM Mites, Squirts and Pee Wee Coach’s clinics on February 2, 2011 at the Honda Center.


Bob Doherty informed the board that if anyone had items that they would like to place on the CAHA Board and/or the CAHA Youth Council agendas to please email anyone of the CAHA board members.


Deputy Commissioner’s Report

Sandy Blumberg stated hearings are down at this point and she is pleased to report that more and more clubs are asserting their authority with their players and coaches and holding their own meetings with their members who are behaving badly and these hearings are being held after the league has dispensed with theirs. In comparison, there has been a huge spike in financial disputes between clubs and their players. Clubs must make sure to notify players of their delinquent status and remove them from participation if they are delinquent.


Sandy Blumberg reiterated to the board that if players are placed on the league wide delinquent list, that player is delinquent and not eligible to participate until monies owed are paid. If a club decides to offer a spot or roster their own delinquent player without receiving funds in the upcoming season, then that club voids the amount owed to them by that player. Players cannot be coerced to play for a club they owe money to with the promise that the club will waive the delinquency. If the player decides not to accept the offer, the club cannot then reinstate that player on the delinquency list.


And finally, Sandy Blumberg spoke about team accounts. Unless there is specific language including team accounts in your financial agreements, clubs can not add these monies owed to the delinquency.



No report at this time.


Staff Reports

Member Services – Wendy Goldstein informed the board that she will be updating the final roster player counts and the SCAHA player fees owed.


Ice Convener – Chris Carcerano asked the board to always double check any changes to the schedule that are sent to them by him. This is to make sure that

Mistakes do not happen, like double booking games in one weekend.


Chris Carcerano reported that at the following divisions games will be added and/or removed:

·         Mite A: LAHC has one more game than the other teams in the division. The game against the Bears will be removed from the standings. (The Bears dropped to Mite B at final declarations).

·         Mite B: Chris stated that he will need to add a game for the Wolves and Bears 1.

·         Squirt B: Chris stated that he will be required to remove games from the standings. OC Hockey and Bears each have one more game than the other teams in that division. The games will be randomly selected.


Chris Carcerano assured the board that all of the online game summaries are reviewed. Not every complaint/issue will receive a comment and/or reply from the league.


Chris Carcerano reminded the board that the SCAHA Playoff Bids are due January 15, 2011. The playoff fee will increase this year as previously stated in prior SCAHA meetings. The fee should be released by the end of the month.


Chris Carcerano thanked all the volunteers and evaluators that worked the SCAHA Pre-Select camp. In particular, Chris thanked Lily Lieu for working from the start of the camp until the end of the camp. It was truly appreciated by all. Chris Carcerano reported that of 300 players that participated, only five ‘A’ players advanced. Chris stated that he received requests from players whose coaches scheduled exhibition games during the select weekend to be placed on Team B because that schedule accommodates their exhibition game. SCAHA will be looking at this more closely next year. SCAHA does not schedule games for the BN A and up divisions and coaches should not be scheduling exhibition games either.


Chris Carcerano reported that the SCAHA web site has been revamped and worked on all season long, integrating the standings, game scores, etc. There are additional plans to continue to improve the web site. The SCAHA I-phone App has been positively received. The majority of the requests are for player stats. SCAHA’s policy has always been not to release the stats until the end of the season for obvious reasons. What the App provides, what is new, rink directions, 2009-2010 stats, etc.


Statistician - Annie Fisher distributed to each of the presidents the penalty minute totals for each of their teams. These totals include penalty minutes for the first half of the season up to the last game of December. The maximum penalty threshold is the following:


·         Mites and Squirts        250 penalty minutes

·         PW’s and Up               400 penalty minutes


Treasurer’s Report

Bob Driffill distributed the financials dated December 31, 2010 to the board. Bob Doherty looked into the CD account. He will need a board resolution that will allow Bob Driffill to move the current securities account from one bank to another. Bob Driffill included a copy of the board resolution. Louis Soltero motioned to authorize Bob Driffill to dissolve the CD securities account ($208,800) from National bank and open up a CD with One West bank for $130,000 for 13 months.

(motion SECONDED and PASSED)


Director-at-Large Report

Kevin Culbertson stated that he has been coordinating the penalty fines, forfeiture fines, etc. Once you receive the notice please send all payments to Kevin Culbertson. He will then process them and keep an accounting of them and then forward to Bob Driffill.


Parliamentarian Report

No report at this time. John Silberstein stated he will be attending the USAH Winter meeting and to email him if they have any issues they would like for him to bring up.


A.C.E. Coaching Coordinator Report

Nancy Hodge is absent. Sandy Blumberg informed the board that Nancy Hodge is still

Collecting copies of Coach’s CEP cards and has notified all of the registrars to forward

these copies to her.


Other Business

Bob Doherty stated that he received an email from Ben Cohen regarding an email he

received from a scouting organization letting them know that player x has been notified

as a possible prospect and giving them a short time delay to pay $99.99 fee to be

scouted. Bridget Hopkinson stated that it is like a subscription to have your player placed

on a list. This is like “facebook” for hockey players. The question is do you really need

this? No.



Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm.