SCAHA Suspensions
Date Name Team Infraction Match # of Games Eligibility
02/25/2024Finnegan SchmiederJr. Kings 14U AGM-4 PenaltiesNo1Must be served in first SCAHA scheduled game of 2024 season.
12/22/2024Anders GregowskeJr. Ducks (1) 10U BBGM-Fisticuffs/Fighting, GM-Unsportsmanlike, GM-4 PenaltiesNo3Must be served on 2025-1-26 vs Kings (1), and on 2025-02-01 vs Jr. Ducks (2), and on 2025-02-02 vs Mariners
12/22/2024Luc SwitalskiAvalanche 10U BGM-Game Misconduct, GM-4 PenaltiesNo2Must be served on 2025-02-02 vs Heat, and on 2025-02-09 vs Jr Ducks (2)
01/12/2025Salim KabirJr. Reign (2) 14U AGM - Ineligible CoachNo1Must be served in first game after being added to a roster.
01/12/2025Joseph SantosStars 10U BGM - Ineligible CoachNo1Must be served 2/2/2026 vs Mariners
01/26/2025Owen LyonIce Hawks 14U BGM-Abuse of Officials, GM-4 PenaltiesNo2Must be served on on 2025-02-01 vs Avalanche, and 2025-02-0 vs Jr Jr Reign
01/26/2025Bryce AshtonJr Firebirds (2) 12U BGM-Fisticuffs/FightingNo1Must be served on 2025-02-2 vs Jr. Firebirds (1)
02/02/2025Tycho CouttsHeat 14U AGM-Head ContactNo1Must be served on 2025-02-09 vs OC Hockey(2)
12/08/2024Mike Bourne16A Jr FirebirdsAbuse of OfficialNo--Pending Hearing
01/12/2025Roman BednarikJr Reign 14BSpectator EjectionNo--Suspended from all USA Hockey sanctioned activities til 2/12/2025 pending a hearing.
01/12/2025Shawn MillerOCHC 12AASpectator EjectionNo--Suspended from all USA Hockey sanctioned activities til 2/12/2025 pending a hearing.


©SCAHA 2024